
Cold Brew Japanese Tea and Caffeine: A Refreshing and Low-Caffeine Alternative

by Sugimoto Tea Company
Sugimoto Tea News, Tea Guides

In the world of tea, hot brewing has long been the go-to method for extracting flavors and enjoying a warm cup. However, there's a new trend that's capturing the attention of tea enthusiasts – cold brewing. Cold brew Japanese tea offers a unique and refreshing twist to traditional brewing methods, unlocking a host of benefits and flavors. In this blog post, we'll explore the art of cold brewing Japanese tea, delve into the caffeine content of brewed tea, and feature the stylish HARIO Cold Brew Bottles that make the process a breeze.

Benefits of Cold Brew Japanese Tea

When it comes to cold brewing, Japanese green tea shines with its exceptional qualities. Cold brewing tea eliminates the bitter and astringent notes often associated with hot brewing, resulting in a smoother, sweeter cup of tea. Additionally, cold brew green tea retains a higher concentration of antioxidants, making it a healthier choice. One significant advantage of cold brew Japanese tea is its lower caffeine content, perfect for those seeking a more soothing and relaxing tea experience.

Understanding Caffeine in Japanese Tea

Let's start by unraveling the secrets of caffeine in Japanese tea. Caffeine, a natural stimulant, contributes to our tea-drinking experience. However, we understand that some of you prefer to manage your caffeine intake. That's where cold brewing comes in. By using the cold brew method, we can extract less caffeine compared to traditional hot brewing. The longer steeping time and cooler water used in cold brewing create a smoother, gentler infusion of caffeine. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions about your tea consumption.

To help you navigate the caffeine landscape and choose teas that align with your preferences, we present our exclusive Caffeine Content in Brewed Tea Chart. This comprehensive resource provides valuable insights into the average caffeine levels found in various Japanese teas when brewed. Whether you're curious about Sencha, Kukicha, Hojicha, Genmaicha, or other teas, our chart offers a handy reference. Consider it your caffeine compass as you embark on your tea journey.

Take a moment to explore the chart and compare the approximate caffeine levels in different teas. If you're seeking a tea to energize your mornings, look for higher caffeine options. If relaxation is your goal, opt for teas with lower caffeine content. This chart empowers you to tailor your tea choices to suit your unique needs and preferences.

Understanding the Variations

It's important to note that caffeine content can vary within the realm of Japanese tea. Factors such as tea variety, cultivation methods, and processing techniques contribute to these variations. For example, shaded teas like Gyokuro and Kabusecha, cultivated under protective shade, tend to have higher caffeine content. Conversely, roasted teas like Hojicha and Genmaicha generally exhibit lower caffeine levels. Understanding these nuances allows you to appreciate the diversity of Japanese tea and select brews that align with your desired caffeine intake and flavor preferences.

HARIO Cold Brew Bottles

In the realm of cold brewing, the right equipment can truly make a difference. HARIO, a renowned brand in the tea world, offers a range of high-quality Cold Brew Bottles that elevate your cold brewing experience. These bottles feature elegant designs that allow tea leaves to move freely, facilitating quicker cold brewing and intensifying flavors. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you master the art of cold brewing:

  1. Select your favorite Japanese green tea leaves, such as Sencha or Gyokuro, ensuring their exceptional quality and freshness.
  2. Add the desired amount of tea leaves to your HARIO bottle, considering the recommended tea-to-water ratio for optimal flavor extraction.
  3. Fill the bottle with cool or room temperature water, allowing the tea leaves ample space to unfurl and infuse.
  4. Secure the lid of the HARIO bottle tightly, ensuring a proper seal for the brewing process.
  5. Place the bottle in the refrigerator and let it steep for the recommended duration, typically several hours or overnight, to allow the flavors to develop fully.
  6. Once the steeping time is complete, remove the HARIO bottle from the refrigerator and give it a gentle swirl or stir to release any settled particles and enhance the tea's complexity.
  7. Pour the cold-brewed tea into a glass or teacup, and take a moment to appreciate the vibrant color and enticing aroma that envelops the surroundings.
  8. Savor each sip of the cold brew, relishing its distinctive sweetness, smoothness, and the absence of any bitterness or astringency.

HARIO Cold Brew Bottle - Black & Tea Glass Set

This set combines a stylish black cold brew bottle with delicate tea glassware. With its resemblance to a wine bottle, it brings sophistication to any occasion. The free movement of tea leaves ensures a stronger flavor profile, while the included tea glass enhances the drinking experience.

HARIO Cold Brew Bottle - Green

The HARIO Cold Brew Bottle in green captures the essence of freshness and vitality. Its unique design allows for efficient cold brewing, resulting in a vibrant and flavorful tea. Whether you're entertaining guests or enjoying a moment of tranquility, this bottle is a perfect companion.

HARIO Cold Brew Bottle "Aisne" - Smoky Pink

For those seeking elegance and celebration, the HARIO Cold Brew Bottle "Aisne" in smoky pink delivers. Resembling a champagne bottle, it infuses a touch of joy into your cold brewing experience. The freely moving tea leaves create a robust and memorable brew, while the smoky pink color adds a touch of flair.

Order HARIO Bottle Today

How to Cold Brew Japanese Green Tea

Discover our comprehensive YouTube video guide that takes you on a journey through the art of cold brewing Japanese green tea. Immerse yourself in the process as we explore everything from selecting the finest tea leaves to finding the perfect steeping time. This invaluable resource provides all the information you need to effortlessly create a delightful and refreshing cold brew that will satisfy your senses. Learn more about how to cold brew tea here.


Cold brewing Japanese tea offers a delightful and low-caffeine alternative to traditional hot brewing methods. With its enhanced sweetness, smoother texture, and higher antioxidant content, cold brew tea is a true treat for the senses. By using HARIO Cold Brew Bottles, you can effortlessly create your own cold brew masterpieces while enjoying the stylish designs they offer. Whether you're a green tea aficionado or a matcha lover, the world of cold brewing awaits your exploration. Experience the refreshing and soothing flavors of cold brew Japanese tea today!

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